Category Archives: words of upliftment

Sharing a Few Thoughts on Using the Immense Power of Words and Language

A powerful idea, well expressed can change the world… for the better!

I love the beauty, power and magic of the written and spoken word, so love “working and playing around” with words. (A passionate and “attention-grabbing” opening line for this article, Craig!). I am fascinated with the variety, flow, rhythm and cadence of words and using language as a tool of communication. Because the words we use have such power in them. Words can be powerful motivators or powerful demotivators. Used positively the right words can encourage, uplift, even inspire and create endless joy and love in our lives… as well as in the lives of people whose lives we may touch (because in many ways we are all connected as citizens of ‘planet earth’).

So let’s always use right positive words as a helpful instrument of encouragement to uplift others. Even in the “tiniest” way! Start planting the seeds of your encouraging words in the fertile soil of your mind. Change yourself first through your words (ie.”self-talk” and affirmations) and you may perhaps even start changing the world!.

How’s this for some beautiful and wise words?

Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.”


“The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But the light would have you soar like the eagle of your sacred visions.”

from and

Aah…The power of words (spoken and written) to encourage, uplift and even inspire!