Category Archives: writing thoughts
“I don’t want to live a balanced life, I just want to write.”
Picture by my old friend John (whose “photographic talents” I definitely do not possess!)
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“I don’t want to live a balanced life, I just want to write.”
– craig (as inspired by the words of Mario Andretti, 1978 Formula One World Champion)
The various books that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at and
“As things stand now, I am going to be a writer. I’m not sure that I’m going to be a good one or even a self-supporting one, but until the dark thumb of fate presses me to the dust and says, ‘you are nothing’, I will be a writer.”
“As things stand now, I am going to be a writer. I’m not sure that I’m going to be a good one or even a self-supporting one, but until the dark thumb of fate presses me to the dust and says, ‘you are nothing’, I will be a writer.”
– Hunter S Thompson
Creative Kiwis An Amazing Journey
“Your Entry into the Word of Possibility”
Writing and the Creative Imagination – How to Avoid Writer’s Block
This short article was a reply to a question in a literary magazine on how I use my creative imagination (or subconscious mind) to help overcome writer’s block . Thought I’d share a few simple thoughts on how to use the amazing powers of your creative imagination to the fullest in overcoming “writer’s block”…
Just letting you know that I start all my novels with a basic plot and a central theme or message (a simple plan) and don’t have much idea how it’s all going to end up (“pan out”). I don’t consciously use techniques, like “mind-mapping” and have found that by writing one chapter at a time then simply “letting go”, the story simply flows onto the next naturally (at least I think it does!). It’s simply a matter of taking one step at a time, then waiting for “inspiration“*, which may take an hour, a day, a week, or perhaps even a month (if you are a very patient writer – definitely not one of my virtues!).
* By the way, the word “inspire” translated from the ancient Greek language, literally says, “God breathed life into”.
Not that it’s Greek to me – this “not classical language scholar”!
When I get “stuck” for a while, I take a break with a long walk along the stunningly beautiful beaches here, which really relaxes me and then the thoughts simply “flow into my head.”
This takes hold and I get a clear vision of the next small step ahead (always) – through the amazing powers of the
subconscious mind, which is where our INSPIRATION* comes from… and this leads, impels (nice word!) us into ACTION. Thought seeds energy, which results in the choice of action)
Its up to us to ACT on our “creative feelings”. I study and write quite a bit about the amazing powers of the human mind… and truly believe the ‘powers’ are available to ALL writers, when they simply relax and trust their intuition.
Imagination leads to intuition (“the way God communicates with us” via the antennae of the subconscious mind, I believe). So use the amazing and unlimited powers of your creative subconscious mind…
‘Let Go and Let God, the Universe reveal plot (or any idea to move forward) to you through your CREATIVE IMAGINATION…
and it never fails to work for me (in all areas of life, I believe)!
“I make art through writing…and words are my tools.”
“I make art through writing…and words are my tools.”
– me
“My palette is the canvas of life”
– craig
Sharing a Few Thoughts on Using the Immense Power of Words and Language
A powerful idea, well expressed can change the world… for the better!
I love the beauty, power and magic of the written and spoken word, so love “working and playing around” with words. (A passionate and “attention-grabbing” opening line for this article, Craig!). I am fascinated with the variety, flow, rhythm and cadence of words and using language as a tool of communication. Because the words we use have such power in them. Words can be powerful motivators or powerful demotivators. Used positively the right words can encourage, uplift, even inspire and create endless joy and love in our lives… as well as in the lives of people whose lives we may touch (because in many ways we are all connected as citizens of ‘planet earth’).
So let’s always use right positive words as a helpful instrument of encouragement to uplift others. Even in the “tiniest” way! Start planting the seeds of your encouraging words in the fertile soil of your mind. Change yourself first through your words (ie.”self-talk” and affirmations) and you may perhaps even start changing the world!.
How’s this for some beautiful and wise words?
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.”
“The Prize” (Grand): A Tribute to Ernest Hemingway
These are my notes (in point form) I took from an excellent documentary on the life of the great American writer; so am sharing. Enjoy…
Firstly, some thoughts on his unique style, which revolutionized literature…
From and
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